The Court judges that the refusal to vote for the extension of the term of a company may be qualified as abusive : it is not a discretionary right. The defense of one’s own interest must give way to the company’s interest of the partnership. This solution applies even when management is chronically loss-making.

By Me Jean-Pierre VIENNOIS

Read the publication.

BREMENS | AVOCATS presents: “LEGAL NEWS ON FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN FRANCE – The control of foreign investments in France has been subject to new adjustments since 1 January 2024”

By Catherine NOMMICK, Partner at BREMENS | AVOCATS


BREMENS | AVOCATS presents: “MARCHAND DE BIENS – Finally some good news on VAT!”

By Thibault PILA, for Nouveau Lyon magazine.

LinkedIn publication

BREMENS | AVOCATS presents : Furnished seasonal rentals and property tax: points to watch when renting out your property.
The advances of the Conseil d’État decision of June 15, 2023.

By Nadia RIPERT, Jérôme LUCAS and Thibault PILA

LinkedIn publication

Brief commentary on ordinance no. 2023/393 transposing directive 2019/2121 on cross-border mergers, divisions and conversions.

Click here for a presentation of the ordinance.

Authorization for the French Government to proceed by way of ordonnance for the transposition of the European Directive.

LinkedIn publication

BREMENS | AVOCATS (Solène SAINT GENIS, Jean-Pierre VIENNOIS) présente synthétiquement les dispositions de la réforme de l’exercice des professions libérales réglementées en société applicables aux professions de santé. BREMENS AVOCATS (Jean-Pierre VIENNOIS) a participé aux travaux préparatoires de l’ordonnance.

Pour en savoir plus : 

Les parts des sociétés civiles de placement immobilier ne sont pas des valeurs mobilières. Leur saisie doit donc
intervenir entre les mains de la société qui les a émises.

Find here under the contribution (in French) of Jean-Pierre VIENNOIS on the new cross-border merger european law. 

Clic here above


3e édition, Jean-Pierre Viennois (contributions) PUF – Themis, 2016, ouvrage collectif

Les Grands Arrets Jurisprudence Union Europeenne

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